Best Food For Hair Growth

Food For Healthy hair

Best Food For Healthy Hair

Hello lovely people,Today’s post I am sure will be loved by one and all .because most of us are suffering from some or the other hair problem.we try from naturals remedies to saloon treatments to make our tresses strong shiny and beautiful.

But do you know that our hair health depends on the genetics,age,heath and diet.We don’t have control overs genetics or age but we can always opt for good diet with proper exercise routines to keep our self healthy from inside and that will be reflected outside in our skin, hair etc.

A lack of the right nutrients slows down hair growth or even cause hair loss.Below are some of the vitamins and nutrients for hair growth

  • Protein
  • B Vitamins
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Iron
  • Vitamins A, C, D, and E
  • Zinc

Keeping the nutrients in mind,I would mention some of the food that are best food for healthy hair.

Eggs(Provide Protein ,Biotin and B12 vitamin)

As our hair is made up of protein we must have enough protein in our diet.Eggs are richest sources of protein so including eggs in your diet makes your protein requirement sorted.As I am a vegetarian I depend on other sources like Dairy,lentils,chickpea,kidney beans,soybeans,paneer etc.So whatever we consume its up to us to have adequate amount of protein in our diet.

Dark Leafy Vegetable(provides Iron)

As we know that iron is responsible for transportation of oxygen and other nutrients to our entire body including hair follicle So its important to eat food rich in iron.Leafy greens such as spinach is a healthy green vegetable and a rich source of iron and other nutrients such as folate, vitamin A, and C.So we must include this in our diet.

Citrus Fruit(Provides Vitamin C)

Our body required vitamin C to produce collagen which is important for our hair structure.Also vitamin C helps in better absorption of iron in our body which is an important mineral for hair growth as we discussed above .A single guava gives us twice or thrice of our daily vitamin C requirement .We can consider lemon or oranges as well as per the availability but for me I mostly rely on guavas.

Almond ,Wall nuts /Flex seed(For Omega -3 fatty Acids)

Omega-3 fatty acids provides nourishment to our hair and makes it thick and increases hair density.Since our body cannot produce these healthy fats, we need to get them from our diet. We can snack on Almonds ,walnuts and flax seeds which is tasty and provides these fatty acid to us.Apart from this nuts also provide zinc which is important for our hair.

Curd,Legumes & Whole Grains(For B Vitamins)

B vitamins are vital for our hair and their deficiency specially of biotin leads to hair loss.So we must have enough vitamin B in our diet in the form of curd,beans,whole grains which is rich in biotin and fortified cereals to have healthy and strong tresses.

Carrots for Vitamin A

Vegetable like carrots are store house of vitamin A which helps in sebum production nourishing our scalp.So eating them regularly is a great idea to combat hair loss and have a healthy hair.

Apart from few foods mentioned above I would like to add few more points here.

  • Always Drink 8-10 glasses of water
  • Eats lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise Daily for at least 15-20 minutes
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible
  • Drink vegetable and fruit juices frequently

With Love, Preeti

Image Source : 1

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